I know I am supposed be studying, but having studied all day and made very little progress in the notes that I have been mulling over and also having been a 100% convinced by the practice test and other online test that I have no chance as the saying goes of a tiger eating a rhinoceros chance in hell of passing this test, and not to mention having had something really interesting just happen to me not five minutes ago, I have decided to write this blog.
The thing that is interesting, that now I have timed to contemplate about and on after thought is really not that interesting, is I met (so he claimed, but google has no sign off) one of the owners the most renowned ultimate frisbee brands, its called High Five or Hi Five (not sure on the spelling could be the reason one google has not trace, but maybe you know, and by you I mean Golzer because you are the only person besides myself we currently reads this blog and you are the only person of the two of who would know about ultimate frisbee). From what the guy said they make some type of furry pink hats that are supposed to be popular. Anyway, because he said something about ultimate frisbee I was like yeah my school has really big ultimate culture. I think he might have thought I knew about a lot about it, from the what we talked about later, but ultimate frisbee is like all the other things I don't like (if i am not good at something after 3 minutes of trying I automatically put it on my "that sucks list" and dismiss it and/or ridicule it); we end up talking about how he would drive to Middlebury for some big tournament they have every May or something, and how Middlebury was a big influence over the ultimate fribees culture at a lot of other schools and especially at his school University of Chicago. The whole time I was thinking, really those frisbee kids are so flippin' weird, also streaking when I was trying to study in the Library or pretend to study. I think I am going off top, and I am not certain where the top was headed, someone just gchatted me, hold on let me read what I was writing before. Ah ok, ultimate frisbee kids are weird, thats that.
Oh yes, what else we talked about, the guy informed me why the lights have been off for the past two weeks in my favorite Chinese restaurant behind me apartment building and why I have not been able to eat there. He basically confirmed what I knew deep down in my heart, but I kept trying to deny to myself ever since I saw the lights no come on. They are going to 拆 the building. We I heard him say that, my heart weeped. I finally knew what the worlds smallest violin, playing the worlds saddest song actually sounded like. Apparently they are going to 拆 that building and some other surround ones, those I actually don't like and turn it in to a parking lot for the Olympics and once the Olympics are over in to a Sun City 2. I was damn, that sucks, bring back my flippin' favorite Chinese restaurant. Screw Olympic parking, I need a place with good food that is only two minutes from my house, I don't want to walk the extra 30 seconds to go to a different Chinese restaurant. And plus, I was getting to really like the people there and they were starting to get to the point where they could understand my broken Chinese. Now I have to go to this other place and start all over again. JAM!
As If We Never Left
14 years ago