First the ramblings. Feb. 14 marked the start of not only Valentine's Day, but also the start of Chinese New Year. And for Chinese New Year, it seems that everyone single inhabitant of Beijing goes out and purchases fireworks and firecrackers. At the end of the day it looks like Seattle on the 4th of July times a factor of 20 (which is roughly the population difference or just a made up number). Anyway, as you can imagine after everyone is finished setting off there fireworks and firecrackers there is mounds and mounds of garage in the street. I never really thought about how they clean up the mess, but they employ the same technique that is used during a snow storm, i.e. bulldozers, garbage trucks and thousand of people with brooms. It looked a lot like
Golze's post on the snow.
Another rambling is the other day I made pizza with friends and it turned out great. As you can see from the picture. I recently finished the book Outliers and it says that it takes about 10,000 hours before you can become an expert at something. I don't really know about that because I haven't spent 10,000 hours making pizza and I already got a black belt in pizza.
Now the invention. Sir Isaac Newton created calculus in an effort to discover gravities effect on the earths orbit. I created my invention in order to discovers alcohols effect on the brain. My new invention is a drinking game. I have no name for it and am open to suggestions, bur right now it is tentatively called The Long March. Like all good drinking games, the rules are simple, however, the involves cards. The game is played much like
1. Highest card wins, and if you win you take a sip of your drink.
2. War trumps anything, meaning if you throw out an ace but two others throw out two fives, the winner of the war drinks. If playing with four people and there are two wars then the highest cards war competes.
3. The first person to get rid of all their cards has to drink half their drink and are out of the game.
4. The game is over when only one person is left with all the cards or when one person still left in the game finishes all of their drink.
5. If playing with jokers, everyone drinks when the card is played and the person who throws the joker drinks twice.
Since the game is still in the beta stage, I am looking for better rules and a good name for the game, so please leave suggestions.