So what have I been up to lately, hmmmm…I think the best answer for this question is absolutely nothing. However, I have been going to classes, isn’t that exciting? My favorite class is this class called one on two. It is class where you and a teacher and another student read the easiest textbook that they could find. Basically, it is a first year Chinese student textbook. The whole time you are reading this textbook the teacher is listening to you speak and every time you say a word, she tells you are saying it wrong. It is the most frustrating class in the whole word. I can’t say two words with out being corrected on my tones. While, the class is flippin’ frustrating and makes you lose all confidence in your Chinese speaking ability, it is still extremely useful. Hopefully, by the end of the class, if I don’t kill the teacher or myself first, I will be speaking like a real Chinese person.
The other classes I am taking here are classes that help you increase your Chinese business vocabulary, a discussion class, and my one on one class. Everyone takes a one on one class here, it is a class that is just you and the teacher and you choose a topic to discuss. My topic is international politics from a Chinese person point of view. So far it is pretty interest and the teacher is flippin’ awesome.
Oh, another thing that I have been dong is playing a lot of basketball. People are probably not going to believe this, but I am probably going to join the basketball team here. This either means that my bballing skills are off the chains right now or peoples’ basketball skills are not that good. I would like the think that my skills are just off the chains right now. Even though I am probably going to make the team here I am far from the best player here. A lot these guys have crazy jumpers. Better than most people in the states, a lot better than Middlebury’s basketball team. I don’t know when tryouts are for team, but if I make it I will be sure to tell all of you and if I don’t forget I mentioned any of this.
So that pretty much all I have been doing. Tonight I am going to take my roommate and his friends out to dinner, because they have been hella nice to ever since I got here. They are always feeding my making sure I am not bored, all sorts of stuff. So, I thought it would be nice to return the favor and take them out to dinner and tonight we are going to the bar and I am teaching them how to dance. This is going to be hella interesting because most Chinese people have rhythm like my mom and that means none.
Well, I am completely out of things to say, so, I’m out.
As If We Never Left
14 years ago
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