I swear the French girls I know are the biggest hate
rs I know (that's saying a lot because my mom's sole person in life is to hate on people), these girls are so hateful its amazing. It's like man, do you just wake up in the morning drinking haterade or take classes in hatin', hatin' 101 (nah, probably take more advance classes like Hatin' Theory 411).
Recently, every time I have been seeing them I have either worn a pink or purple shirt (The picture is an example of one of the amazing pink shirts I wore), the first time it was because I wanted to, the rest of the times it was because I wanted to see what they would say, and each time their hate grew and grew, kind of like a balloon, but filled with odium and malice. And every time I wear one they make so hater comment. And I know I look good, shit. And its only the French girls who have been hating, not any guys or any girls from other countries, because they all said I looked good, and they are right. But its okay, I just brush the hater comments off and move forward amic

The pink shirts are kind of a draw back at the same time, even though I look damn good; I am attracting the French hate gang and I have had too incidents happen to me that are not funny. The first incident happened the night of the pictures and the other happened tonight and I wasn't even wearing a pink shirt, which is the most fucked up part about it, but the girl did she me wear a pink shirt before. Anyway the first thing that happened is the spanish girl in the far right of the picture asked my friend in the middle of the picture if me and my friend if we are
gay. I was like WTF, why the hell would she think that. Are you flippin' kidding me. I am like the manliest man guy around. And the second incident happened tonight. I think I need to grow a beard or some shit. Because you know how you ask someone a question, and you expect them to give you an answer that is going to go with you train of thought or give you confirmation on something. Well, I saw this French girl today at dinner, mind you I am not wearing a pick shirt, I am wearing my Marlin's shirt, anyway, and I ask her do I look ga
y. And with out think twice or flinching she says yes. I was devastated, I was about to cry. When she said that, all I wanted was a h
ug. She just shattered my hopes and dreams. I lost all faith in man kind with that comment. All faith. Later, after I got back my composure and sucked back the tears, I was like why. And she said because you have pretty eyes, I was like WTF. I almost pulled out every single one of these damn eyelashes. They curse me. Damn these things. I hate them, they have only brought my pain and suffering. Fucking stupid eyelashes. Its all my fa
thers fault. Damn it. And then she was like you are cute. I was like WTF. So, I have decided that my face needs to get more scares. I am going to just get in bar fights with random Chinese people, and let them punch me in the face and win. Apparently, I need to turn up my manitude a few notches, maybe more like several notches. All I am going to finish with is this is the biggest bull shit of all bull shits.
Highlight of The Day: Knowing that I am a Man, I'm a Ma
n damn it. I'm a Man.
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