(the following is posted on behalf of durrell, through my proxy at work. all spelling mistakes have been left intact. -b)
After about five months away from China, I have decide to come back. Mainly because there was no trabajo for me in the US (I didn't actually look for work but fthe US media assured me there were no more jobs and I trust whatever they have to say), thus, I decided I would go to the place where people are stealing all the American jobs and contribute to the economic shift of China and supposed decline of the United States. So far I still have no trabajo, so if someone who reads this blog wants to give me a trabajo just leave a comment (will work for dumplings). The other reason I decided to return is because I wanted to celebrate five years of being in China....on the internet. It has been five years to the day that HSCCWRT has been on the information gatherer. So for this honorary blog post, I have decided to tell you in exciting bullet point form the top ten things that I have noticed have changed since we first got here (and yes it is in order, and by order, I mean the order I thought them up just now):
- We are no longer students living in China, now we are beer brewing experts.
- Clark is no longer with us (He has been dead to this blog for a while now) and has been replaced by his brother.
- Beijing doesn't look like a giant Chinatown anymore, it looks like any other city in the world with more people.
- There probably are twice as many skyscrapers than when we first arrived.
- Golze hates any New York Times fluff piece about working and/or living in China (Maybe that hasn't changed).
- My Chinese is worse than when I first arrived. Golze's is somehow better.
- According to Golze there are more cars and its cleaner, the latter of which is debatable as I am fairly certain I have the black lung from being here.
- The price of Chinese food is crazy high, it cost like 10kuai for a meal when it used to cost about 8kuai. Inflation sucks.
- The amount of places where you can get 盖饭 seems to be diminishing, but that could be because we live in the eastern part of the city.
- And finally the last thing I can think up for ten is....there are a lot more foreigners or what Golze calls white people taking potential job opportunities away from me.
Hopefully, in another five years we will be making this list for you all again, but probably from America and getting all our information from the US media. I hope this has been a enjoyable five years for you loyal readers. Happy New Year to you all.
As If We Never Left
14 years ago
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