So far our blog has only been from a male perspective. In the past, the sole requirements to post on this blog was that you had to go to Middlebury, speak Chinese, plan to be in China or be in China and be born with an outie instead of an innie (and I am not talking belly buttons). Later with new Clark, we expanded who could post by tossing out the Middlebury and speak Chinese requirements and allowing bloggers to post based on shared blood lines, because having a sibling who went to Middlebury and can speak Chinese is almost the same as having gone and being able to speak Chinese yourself. The second to last requirement has mostly been ignored; however, the last requirement we have held scared (for obvious reasons, such as girls have cooties). But since, I am the last one standing in China, because Golze is off on a walk about with a koala , Clark Classic only blogs from the US, and no one knows what happened to New Clark, I have decided to allow another person blog with us, but only if the two founders of this blog agree and the blog readers agree. So I am going to allow everyone to vote on whether Joy should be allowed to post with us. I know what you are thinking, but wait, she has an innie. I know but title IX says we have to let at least some of the bloggers have innies. So as a result, I leave it to you the readers and the two founders to decided if Joy's perspective is needed.
As If We Never Left
14 years ago
Should most definitely be allowed!
I promise to post only about girl things, harkon back to days of life living with ben pre-walkabout, days of shanghai with classic clark and phonecalls from new clark's mom worried about his latest trot to the border for a visa. I will talk of street food, my broken bicycle, ridiculous government and the glory that is living in china... it won't be good, but i will try my very very hardest to make it with my innie in the outtie witty world of ben, clark and durrell.
I have nothing against girls writing for the blog, but Durrell, I distinctly remember Joy once telling us that she never reads our blog. Such slights are not easily forgiven.
I'm still considering... give me the weekend and I'll have a response by Sunday.
A big YES for Joy. Plus, reading posts having no grammar mistakes(note for Durrell) would be nice.
I have read your blog! Just not every single day, I'm new to this whole world of blog and podcast subscriptions. But you three have led me to learn so much more about it! Through granted access, you all will embark on a wonderful teaching experience, presenting me with an unparalleled learning opportunity, something of EPIC proportions (read with arms outstretched and big eyes!). Plus I follow you on google reader Ben! That has to count for something...
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