According to my number one source of accurate information, wikipedia, the Business Standard is a financial newspaper from India. And from the one article that I have read, this newspaper seems to be a diamond amongst Indian newspaper ruff. They deserve an Emmy for their first rate journalism. Right now, many people are wondering, "why is he talking about some newspaper in Indian, WTF." Well, I say WTF indeed. After not looking at our Big Brother information site in a while, yesterday, I decided to check it out and see if people still actually read our blog and I was shocked to find out that the Business Standard has people that might, but doesn't seem like, who read it. They have featured us in their online newspaper for an audial world. Here is an excerpt from what the newspaper said about us, "Clark." I know what you are all thinking, "Clark, WTF, does this newspaper even have fact checkers, I am wearing a $5000 dollar suit, come on!" Truly, if they used the word Clark and our blog, they have not actually been reading it. This is why I only read news sources by Rupert Murdoch, they have the highest standards in journalism. The only other thing I had a problem with when they described our blog, is that they said it was "A far more typical expat blog," me personally, I would have added another far, because really we are writing about nothing like all the other expats who feign self importance. I can't comment on what he said about the content of our blog, because in all actuality, we don't actually we read the blog post that we write, we just actually write them, then actually post them, on an actual basis (the last one didn't make sense). I w
Highlight of the Day: Being reminded that I live in Communist China. The first actual (I like that word) reminder came yesterday, when I went to what I thought was the last surviving DVD shop in my area, the Tuan, and found out that all the bootleg foreign DVDs they once had, all became bootlegged Chinese DVDs. Needless to say the DVD shop was complete void of foreigners. The second reminder came, this morning when I woke up at 7am on a Saturday, something I never do, to go to wukesong, which is in the middle of the wild west part of Beijing, to buy tickets for Olympic Basketball. I was excited because today they were going to be selling a USA basketball day. However, upon my arrival there was not that many people standing in line. One of the first signs that something was up. Once I got to the front of the gate, to see what the hell was going on, there was a sign that said that they sold all the tickets yesterday. And twenty minutes later a volunteer for the Olympics comes and says all the tickets sold yesterday. This doesn't sound unusual, but, this weekend they were only supposed to sell certain days each day and all the days at once. But because of a change in some policy that was made on the spot that day while they were selling tickets, they decided to sell everything at once. This is some bush league Olympic organizing, come on! The third thing just happened 30 minutes ago when I tried to write this blog. Normally, we have complete access to writing our blogs on blogspot, we just can't read them after we write them, unless we use a proxy. However, today, I couldn't even get access to write the blog. A sign that the gov't is cracking down on the information flow. Maybe, I should not even be writing this post. So I will end with, hey the Chinese government is great though, keep up the good work.
As If We Never Left
14 years ago
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