I recently read in the Wall Street Journal that Beijing is publishing a book on etiquette for Chinese people. This book in my opinion is long over due, but I am also an uptight adverse to cultural change foreigner, or I just hate the fact that Chinese people push the shit out of my on the subway. One the interesting things in this book to me, is the 8 things that you can't ask igners, mostly because these are questions Chinese people often ask me. For example, last week I took a taxi to go to the National Theater for the first time to watch River dance (River dance has surprisingly more ballet and tap and singing in it than I thought, I was expecting more a lord of the dance type thing, like the guy who used to wear the headband and be on the TV all the time like in 1994. And the black guy coming out singing some type of "Old Man River" song with a Francois Clemmons voice was very unusual and frankly unexpected, I really didn't understand this part of the performance and don't get how it applies to River Dance. Also is it just me, or whenever you watch River Dance, the "Safety Dance" song starts playing in your head) also for the first time. The National Theater is the big golf ball looking building, some people say it's nice, I think it looks like a big golf ball with a moat. Anyway back to the topic, in the taxi, I had on this rare occasion to have a female taxi driver (I think there maybe like only 20 female taxi drivers in all of Beijing) and for some reason I decided that I wanted to talk to her. I rarely talk to the drivers nowadays, although I used to a lot when I was student. It's a great way to get a good Chinese perspective. Anyway, after talking for a while, out of nowhere she ask me if I was religious and what religion I believe. I was kind of shocked she asked me, because of the 8 questions that Chinese people ask, this one is rare, because from what I can tell the vast majority of Chinese people are atheist or none practicing Buddhist and don't really think to ask this question as much as the others. She was quite open about her religious experience, telling me that she has been a Christian now for four years and before she was a believer in God she had a lot of health problems. She also began to sing some hymns in Chinese to me, they sounded familiar but I have no idea what she was singing about. Normally, I would say something sarcastic or stupid or inappropriate about what happened, but because I am afraid of god and don't make fun of people's religion. I will say it was nice to have a frank discussion about belief of Christianity from a Chinese person's perspective.
That above story is not why, I wanted to write this post. I wanted to write this post to call out to the fans who might see me around during the Olympics and be able to assist me. I just have one goal for the Olympics, no it is not a great and successful Olympics with no pollution and the US winning the medal count (well I kind of want the US to win the medal count), because I just don't think that is possible. I personally think that there will be no serious problems during the Olympics except for an event or two being canceled because of the persistent pollution that they have not been able to control yet, and also the media complaining about their freedom of speech issues. But really freedom of speech is of overrated. But What I want want of the Olympics is for someone to take a picture of me with one of the paramilitary people while they are riding a segway. If someone could help me with that, that would be super. Also it would be super if someone could explain to me the difference between the police, the paramilitary, and the military. Because as far as I can tell, the police don't really do anything, but stand around and direct traffic sometimes. I don't think I have ever seen a police officer pull someone over. I don't have a licenses like Golze so I don't know all the laws, but I am pretty sure I have seen Chinese people at least break someone of them in front of the police. They at the very least did not put the jar over the guys intestines right when they were poking out, the police could have written a ticket for that. The odds of me seeing at least one paramilitary office on segway is good, because there have been an explosion of security around Beijing. I just have not seen one on segway yet, I figure it a matter of time.
Highlight of the Day: Thinking about paramilitary on segway while they listen to Safety Dance, wouldn't that be an amazing sight to see.?
As If We Never Left
14 years ago
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