the difference between the london part of the closing ceremony and the whole beijing olympic experience was even more spectacular than i thought it would be. contrast jimmy page playing "whole lotta love" with that ridiculous "i love beijing" song. and it didn't help that they followed it with that screeching classical female vocalist music. i think a little part of me dies whenever i hear that.
if we're gonna get all metaphorical up in here, this is clearly the difference between a place that has been globally culturally relevant for the past 60 years and one that is just attaining that ability but is flailing around trying to figure out how to go about it.
i'm not really sure how to fit placido domingo into that equation. or that chick's pink dress.
but jacques rogge gives it the thumbs up. i think he's just ecstatic the he gets to move on to beautiful controversy-less vancouver.
As If We Never Left
14 years ago
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