Monday, November 29, 2010

Beijing Air is Crazy Bad

A couple days ago, according to the United States Embassy, the pollution level in Beijing went beyond the semi-regular level of hazardous and hit the level of Crazy Bad. Crazy Bad is the level that is reached when the pollution level goes beyond the reader. I have attached a picture of when the pollution level was good and one from the day that the pollution level was Crazy Bad (even though the picture looks like it is in black in white, it is not). When I tried to take the pollution photo, the camera could not focus directly on anything in the pollution so I had to use the pink building as a focus point. But on the upside, that day the air was really moist, which was probably better for my lungs (usually the air is as dry as a desert, which is because the geniuses who constructed Beijing, built it in a desert).
At the end of the year I plan to write a post about looking at how many hazardous days I lived through this year, thats if I can figure out how to aggregate the data from the Beijing Air twitter feed. Or I might just use the official data from the Beijing government, anyway at some point I will do some type of analysis on how Beijing is killing me.  
Also attached is a couple of pictures from Thanksgiving and a link to pictures from my trip to Vietnam, the land of Ducs.
Also, I would like to thank my colleague, Hui Yan, for pointing out the meaning of the car bomb sign; it means a non-stinky tofu transportation zone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG. why'd you go and mention me (no, this is not she.. still, grr..) and no that's not what i said about the logo.. now i do hope Beijing does kill you before you really do any kind of useless analysis.. (considering the accident rate one is kinda like that)