Monday, March 28, 2005

Merry Easter

I just want to start by saying Merry Easter everyone. Well, this weekend I didn’t really do much because I have been sick all week. But don’t worry its not the la duzi it’s just a good old fashion cold. From a lot peoples’ away message back at home, it seems like they have the same thing. I feel your pain. On another note, I have decided to make this blog more interesting. How you ask? Well, I have decided to write part of this blog in the dialect that I speak at home. Last night, I heard my roommate speaking his home dialect and it inspired me to right part of this blog in my home dialect. You will know when I start using my home dialect because only like two people who read this blog can understand it.

So on Friday night, because I was still getting over my cold, I had the bright idea to go with some friends to a smoky reggae bar around Xi Hu. It really helped me feel better. But, even though it did not really help my health condition, I still had fun listen to all the old school rap songs I had not heard in awhile. Apparently, in China, Snoop Dog is considered rap music. After, the reggae bar started to get boring so I went with some other people to a techno dance club. Yeah, I stead there for about ten minutes and bounced. I knew that place was not for me when they started playing Michael Jackson’s “Billy Jean” music with Martin Luther Kings “I have a dream speech.” Some how it just felt a little to sacrileges to me. I mean Billy Jean is a great song why did they have to ruin it. So after staying there for a total of about 20 minutes, I went back to the reggae bar. At the reggae bar, I spent the rest of the night pretending I was Courtney’s boyfriend. I don’t know why she was getting tired of getting hit on by every Chinese guy in the bar, she was getting hella free drinks. But, I guess her getting hella free drinks ended up being a problem, because by the end of the night I ended up having to carry her most of the way home. It was a great ended to a Friday night.

Because Friday night destroyed my already deteriorating health, I decided to just stay in on Saturday and Sunday. I on Saturday, after eating dinner with my roommate’s friends, which was really interesting because everyone in the room wanted to take a picture with me like I was a superstar or something. I decided I would spend the rest of the weekend putting in work on this little piece, I been getting at for a minute now. The little brizzle ain’t no dime, but I can work wit it. Let, me tell you my mouthpiece in Chinese, has improved. I can spit that fire now. So, it did not take that much work to get the little brizzle, feeling my mouthpiece. And yeah, that’s basically what I did this weekend. If you need some of this translated to you IM this man: JEBFB12

In other news, Golze and I have started a betting pool. We have started betting on when Clark is going to write his next blog. I have next week, but Golze has Sept. 2010. I think my odds are pretty good. If you want to get on this betting pool. Email Golze at

Well I’m out

This blog was brought to you by the letter P.

As in:
Pimpin’ pretty preposterously producing phat prospects.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, thats my nig comin wit that mouthpiece that only comes from the town. Them breezys aint ready for the 6 game