Thursday, December 27, 2007

What The Hell Is Boxing Day?

I don't understand why everyone attacks me and my family has no loyalty. They are supposed be back me up when outsiders are being mean to me. They are traitors. And my roommate is daughter of beelzebub. Thinking back it explains why she didn't want to hear any Christmas music and hates Christmas, the heathen.

And on a complete different note, fois gras is probably one of the worse things I have ever tested in my life. And I have eaten so pretty gross shit here in China. I am pretty sure I have eaten pig ass and frog butt, and that didn't taste nearly as bad as this.

Boxing Day is an interesting Holiday. I don't know what it is really, but it is interesting. I asked my friends from the UK, what the origins were, but they had no idea. But from what I have gathered it is a day of eating leftovers and clean your place after you throw a Christmas party. And there was tons of shit to clean up after the party. Maybe there will be pictures to come of the mess. Damn it, I can't believe I erased the tape. Anyway. Today and yesterday and Christmas Day were pretty shit in terms of pollution, I keep using shit, I need to expand my vocabulary. I would say they ranked in the top ten polluted days since I have been here. It has gotten so bad. You can't even see 20 meters in front of you. I don't get how the athletes train her. I feel like I am going to get lung cancer every time I go outside on these days.

I have a friend coming tomorrow. Actually I have a friend coming about every three months from now on. I haven't seen this friend or hung out with her in years. This should be interesting. She is going to be her for three weeks. I don't know how that is going to work. It should be pretty interesting though. Well now, I am rambling on stupid points, to me more than I normally ramble. I think I might end killing my roommate. I don't understand why everyone wants to fuck with me. I am that fuckable. I just don't get it. It just seems like people come around me and everyone turns into a fucking comedian, it becomes kick 马渡 in the ding ding day or something. Fucking Clowns. Nobody is helping me.

Highlight of the Day: Doing nothing all day but watch movies and make brownies that none of my stupid European friends will get to eat.

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